Home | CV of Dr. Guenter Beyer | First worldwide announcement on flame retardant properties of carbon nanotubes

CONSULTANT: Nanocomposites - Flame Retardants of Polymers - Reactive Extrusion - Cable Industry

Welcome to my personal homepage on flame retardants....

BOOK for industrial nanocomposite applications: Industry Guide to Polymer Nanocomposites" edited by Dr. Günter Beyer  

 A truly practical guide, which aims to cut through the hype and show where these new ‘wonder materials’ will really fit into your industry and products.

The editor has drawn together contributions from academics, materials suppliers, product manufacturers, NASA and the US army, which show how these materials really perform, and where they are already finding uses. Flame retardancy and barrier properties are key benefits.

Performance however is only part of the story. To achieve commercial success new materials must also deliver these properties safely and predictably. Processing is a key issue when investment in new equipment may not be an option. There are questions regarding the health impacts of all nanoscale particles. All these topics and more are covered in the following sections:

• Developments in Commercial Polymer Nanocomposite Materials

• Working with Polymer Nanocomposite Materials

• Unique Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites

• Polymer Nanocomposites in Demanding Industrial Applications       The ISBN is as follows: 978-1-906479-04-6

NEW: I have also running a mailing list called Nanocomposites at Linkedin and please subscribe yourself there....

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Dr. Guenter Beyer received the Jack Spergel Memorial AWARD at the INTERNATIONAL WIRE & CABLE SYMPOSIUM 2003 (IWCS) in Philadelphia/USA for his fundamental research results on organoclays as nanofillers for nanocomposites and their function as a new class of nanostructured flame retardants for polymers (cables, wires, polymer industry).

In november 2004 Dr. Guenter Beyer received the Jack Spergel Memorial Award for the second time (!!). IWCS awarded him for the first worldwide introduction of carbon nanotubes as flame retardants for polymers and their applications for the cable and wire industry. This award is the most important distinction by the global cable industry.

He is the only one person in the world who have recieved this award twice !!

He also recieved an AWARD by the INTERNATIONAL WIRE & MACHINERY ASSOCIATION (IWMA) during the global exhibition WIRE 2004 in Duesseldorf/Germany in March 2004 for his fundamental research results on fire performance of nanocomposites.

Sine 2004 he is a member of the editorial advisory board of the journals "Journal of Fire Sciences" and "Trends in Applied Sciences Research". He is mentioned in "Who is Who in Science and Engineering" in Marquist's 2006-2007 and 2008-2009 editions. He is also mentioned in "Who is Who in the World" in Marquist's 2009 & 2010 editions and will be mentioned in the new 2011 edition

Within "Journal of Fire Sciences" he published in January 2005 a fundamental review with the title "Flame Retardancy of Nanocomposites - from Research to Technical Products". Here Dr. Beyer describes the benfits and commercialisation of nanocomposites as flame retardants in detail.

You can find it at:

J. Fire Sciences, Vol. 23, 2005, No. 1 pp. 75-87

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If you are interested to get a reprint of a his publications on nanocomposites, flame retardancy or flame flame retardants for polymers or also a review on cosmology, please send a email to Dr. Guenter Beyer...

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My new book on global cable industry from 04/2021

This is my book on reactive extrusion from 2018

I am a board member of a Lionsclub
